When was the last time your Cinderella® was serviced?
Keep your Cinderella® running for many years to come, by following the maintenance guide in your user manual or on the Cinderella Website.
The Cabin Depot™ is proud to offer our customers cleaning packages for all Cinderella® models! Each service is performed by a Cinderella® trained Technician to keep your unit running for longer.
Choose your package and make an appointment today to bring your Cinderella® to our store shop. When she is ready, one of our staff will reach out to let you know she is ready for pick-up. The
Economy Clean - $89.99 - Treat your Cinderella® to a spa package where she will have her fans, ash insert cleaned, then finished off with a nice steam clean. We check to ensure all components are working to specification, upgrade software if needed and provide a status report.
Full Service Check-up - $169.99 - Includes Economy clean + Typically after 4 years, we will want to check and clean all parts of the burner system and fans, check all functions of incineration and advise on potential failures and/or repairs.
If repairs fall under warranty, this will be documented. Labour charges are extra @ $100.00/hour.
*24 hours notice and appointment is required. Unit pick up and drop off is between 10am-4:30 pm Monday to Friday.
Local customers only or shipping charges will apply.
Repair and Return Cleaning
Please respect our staff when returning your unit for repairs or maintenance, by cleaning and disinfecting the Cinderella® prior to dropping her off :) Dealers and workshops have the right to refuse dirty units or charge a cleaning fee to the customer for the cleaning to be done.
By following the maintenance schedule in the manual, keeping the unit clean should be easy!
Ensure there is no urine or faeces stains in or around the bowl, lid, seat and outer shell.